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Updating your installation

Using the RELEASE version

Note! Hoster is in a very active development at this stage, and it's guaranteed to have breaking changes. Every new GitHub release will include a detailed description, a changelog, and any steps you need to take as a system administrator in order to make your systems compatible with the latest version.

You'd want to keep your Hoster version up-to-date, which is exactly why I created self_update_service binary. You can execute it like so:


Please note that it's usually a good idea to run it before you initialize Hoster after a reboot. Otherwise hoster binary will most likely be updated, but vm_supervisor would not:

Could not replace vm_supervisor_service: open /opt/hoster-core/vm_supervisor_service: text file busy

This is the expected behavior as vm_supervisor_service binary might be busy, because it's tracking the VM's state and keeps them all running (cannot be replaced on the fly, while running).

Using the DEV Version

It's really easy to switch to a dev version of Hoster if needed. Be it for testing the new features, patching the bug you have, or anything else you can think of.

Steps to install the DEV version

  • Make sure you have git installed
pkg install git
  • Clone the repo into a convenient place (as root please, otherwise you'll face permission issues all around the place)
git clone
  • Install the latest available version of Go (FreeBSD packages include an up-to-date Go version)
pkg install go
  • Stop all hoster related services, or simply reboot the node to avoid text file is busy file system locks

  • After the reboot, and before you execute hoster init, cd into the folder with HosterCore and execute the DEV version installation script


That's pretty much it, you should have your dev version up-and-running now.

Script description

The script itself is very simple too:

  • Pull the latest changes from github
  • Build all of the required binaries
  • Place all of the binaries into /opt/hoster-core/
  • Exit

Replace only a specific binary

It's also possible to replace a single binary, if required. To do this, cd into the HosterCore git folder and pull the latest changes:


Then execute a build process:


Now you can simply pick a binary you wanted to replace, and cp it into the /opt/hoster-core/ overwriting the old one, like so:

cp hoster /opt/hoster-core/


Running a dev version of hoster is not recommended, as it may include some unfinished or debugging code that can break your system. Always test the dev version on a lab machine first, and only transfer fully tested and fully working binaries to your production nodes.